Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

I just got an award from printilan!

It's a Stylish Blogger Award (^_^) Thanks so much for the award (while I'm not sure about me being stylish).

Accepting this award, I am asked to do the following:

1. thank and link to the person who awarded me this award.
2. share 8 things about myself.
3. pay it forward to 8 bloggers that i have recently discovered.
4. contact those blogger and tell them about their awards.

OK, let's begin shall we.. 8 things about me:

1. one of a kind

2. unique

3. moody

4. quitely creative

5. day dreamer

6. colorful

7. easily distracted

8. simple yet complicated

And.. the next Stylish Blogger Award goes to...

3.ideku handmade


Aphrodita Wibowo said...

cihuuuy...dapet award nih... sik asik... :P

vitarlenology said...

wow.. makasih banyak loh buat awardnya.. seneng banget nerimanya..:)


Unknown said...

Makasii banyak mb Inaa, huuugs!
Kayaknya yang no. 5 sama dgn aku ni, hehehe....

Rania@FashioningFaith said...

Waaaaw... thanks a lot, Ina :)

This is the second time you gave me an award! It made my day!

Thanks again. I really appreciate this :)

SawoKecik said...

hihihi ... makasih Ina buat awardnya ... xoxo ....

NTRage03 said...

wah slamat ya yg dpet award :D

tie said...

Waaaahhh.. senengnya , makasih banyaaak yaaah :)

Sari Sulistiyo said...

hai mb Ina..selamat atas awardnya,,
btw, salam kenal ya..aku suka blognya mb Ina,,I;m following,,ijin ngelink di blog aku ya mbak..

Hijabs and Co said...

congrat ^.^