We went to Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia last week. It's only for a couple of days and it rained or cloudy most of the times, yet we enjoyed our stay there.

We're having this art/ craft swap, charlie bags swap to be exact, since we're both big fans of the bag. I've sent my version to her and I received hers just in time for the trip to the Jepara beaches!
Above is a picture of her version of charlie bag (which now is mine :D) at the Bandengan Beach. Located at the northern of Jepara, it boasts natural white sandy beach with beautiful view. We went there on a cloudy afternoon, that explain the not-so-bright pictures (excuses, excuses..).
Back to the bag.. it's a perfect beach bag! Reversible with one side made of blue flower cotton (with a cute flower button accent) and the other side made of multicolor waterproof material. How practical and pretty! Thanks again Sawo Kecik for the cute bag :)
Last but not least I also want to share some beautiful sunset pictures taken by my hubby at Kartini Beach, still in Jepara. Located at the west side of the town, it has the most beautiful sunset view within its humble premises.
Hai Ina .. pasti liburannya menyenangkan sekali yaaa .... aku senang kalau kamu senaaang .. aku senang si Charlie Bag ikut jalan-jalan ke Jepara .. fotonya bagus .... dia jadi menyatu dengan alam .. hehe ... makasih ya Ina ... aku minta ijin foto-nya aku post di blog-ku yaaa .... (^.^)
Hi Pimpi, thanks again :)
Iya, aku sukaa tas nya ^^
Sori bentuk tasnya ga kliatan di poto, it's fully loaded with lotsa stuff at the time its picture was taken (afterall that's what beach bags are for :))
Monggoo jangan sungkan2 silakan di posting :D
Gak pa pa Ina ... fotonya baguus ... aku suka .. keren ... thanks again ya ... (^.^)
bagus pantainya...
rumahku juga deket jepara mbak ina,
di Rembang, sayang pantainya nggak sebagus di jepara...
Wah, kayaknya tempatnya asik ni ya mb...thanks for sharing the nice pictures :)
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