I heart flickering candle lights!
Simply because they're so versatile, effortless turn any room ambience to a warm, cozy and even romantic feel. Moreover you can easily move them about in any formation as needed, and the most exciting part is ofcourse the pretty candle holder which can double as home decoration even when the candle light's went out.

However lately I'm crazy about tealights (you know, those small candles inside tincups) coz I find them easier to maintain. Just pick some tealight holders and put it in any room you want, such as in the bathroom for a long relaxing spa-like bath, in the dining room for a candle light dinner for two, in the bedroom for that romantic night, or in the outdoors for a festive bbq dinner.

Well, wanna try the ideas in your very own home?
Easy.. just go to Feathers For Nest - Home and Decor Online Store where you'll be spoiled for great choices of tealight holders which are a perfect addition to any space!