Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Caps Organizing

A friend of mine once asked me about how to organize her husband's collection of caps (baseball's, not bottle's). So I did some searching, and found some cap organizers like this one below, but unfortunately it needs international shipping to reach here.

After some time not knowing where to find the pretty much same item here in Singapore, I remember about this one from IKEA.

It's the Komplement Door Hanger . As the name indicates, this thing can be hung on the wardrobe's door to add more storage space. Basically it's an easy to move adjustable strap with 5 hooks on it.

For this special purpose of caps organizing, you can get creative by adding more hooks between the existing 5 hooks, so you can have even more space for storing those growing collection of caps.


luluk said...

makasih ya jeng .. u searching nya ..

semoga kalo dah ada ini di rumah .. ga bikin dia jadi tambah suka beli cap ... heheheh.

males ngrawatnya kalo banyak2 .. :)

designer said...

sami2 mbakyu, glad to help :)
lah justruu kalo udah ada tempat nyimpennya malah bole beli banyak banyaak ;D

Anonymous said...

booo koleksi botol okeh juga kaliii...botol coca cola akika ja dah nambah byk ni...trus mo naruhnya gimandang duonggg...(kok jdi bencong gini ya:D)

designer said...

oh.. jadi lu bukan bencong Niel?
btw noted, ijk akan agendakan artikel botol yg jij minta ;)